Booking & Shipping

Q: How long does it take for the shipping vessel to reach my port?

A: Estimated times are: - Africa: 3 - 5 weeks - Georgia: 6 weeks - Caribbean: 5 - 7 weeks - Pacific Region: 1 - 2 weeks - South America: 5 - 6 weeks

Q: What information is needed to book a shipping vessel for my vehicle?

A: To book a vessel, we need: - Port of Discharge - Vehicle Destination - Consignee's full name, address, and phone number - Notify Party details (if different from the Consignee) - DHL Delivery Address for document dispatch

Q: Can I see if my vehicle passed its inspection?

A: Yes, a PDF of the inspection certificate will be emailed once available.

Q: Why are there so many changes and delays to the shipping schedule?

A: These changes are made by the shipping companies, not Qualitex Trading.